In the case of complete or partial tooth loss, we offer all-on-6 implantation method or denture on 4 implants, which is currently one of the best and most effective methods to improve the quality of life and a natural smile to patients. It is a solution that can be used in both the maxilla and the mandible, which allows the denture to be mounted on 4 implants (using special latches) or a screwed bridge on 6 implants, which covers the entire dental arch.
Our team of dentists has many years of experience in implantology and implant prosthetic procedures. We have been successfully using the all on 6 methods in Poznań for 10 years. Treatments in the field of implantology and implant surgery are performed by Dr. Hubert Pietrusza and Dr. Przemysław Leszczyński, specializing in dental surgery and implantology. A dentist specializing in implant prosthetics is dentist Marcin Grącki, with many years of experience, a participant in many advanced courses and training in the field of implant prosthetics and occlusion. We cooperate with the best dental laboratories, our works are very aesthetic, natural, tailored in particular to the age and expectations of the patient. We use advanced equipment and materials, providing the patient with the highest quality of services, detailed diagnostics, we present the patient with a detailed treatment plan along with the costs of individual stages. We approach each patient individually, and we conduct holistic treatment.
The all on 6 method or denture on 4 implants is an excellent alternative for people who are not satisfied with the use of traditional dentures and would like to significantly increase the comfort of life and regain self-confidence. The prosthesis on implants is definitely superior to the standard settling prosthesis, it is more stable (doesn’t move during meals) and functions like your own teeth. In the case of a prosthesis on implants or a bridge on implants, we limit the natural bone loss (youthful facial features are preserved).
Change of facial features with bone loss
After tooth extraction, the process of bone loss begins and the occlusal conditions may change significantly. It is extremely important to replace the missing tooth with an implant as soon as possible.
Thanks to implants, the quality of life of patients is considerably improved, the comfort of eating, speaking and smiling is restored.
The first stage is an implantological consultation. It is necessary to analyze the panoramic photo and computed tomography. Bone conditions, implant placement, and occlusal conditions are analyzed. The dentist also directs the patient for additional blood tests to verify the patient’s general health and exclude any contraindications to the procedure. After making the diagnosis and excluding possible contraindications (which include, among others, uncontrolled diabetes, epilepsy, cardiovascular diseases, advanced osteoporosis or cancer), the dentist qualifies the patient for the implantation procedure and presents the cost estimate and treatment plan.
The second stage is the implantation of a predetermined number of implants. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, so it is painless for the patient, and the length of the visit depends on the number of implants and the scope of the procedure.
In the case of bone loss, augmentation (bone regeneration) is performed. Bone augmentation improves the conditions for implant placement. We use materials of animal origin and synthetic bone.
We also use the “sticky bone” augmentation method, after taking blood from the patient and obtaining a PRF (platelet-rich plasma) preparation, the bone is combined with the resulting preparation. This allows you to increase the volume of bone tissue under the implant.
Normally, the period of integration of implants with the bone is 6 months in the case of the maxilla and 3 months in the case of the mandible. In some cases, this time may be extended.
We perform a temporary restoration, ensuring the patient’s comfort while waiting for the proper prosthetic reconstruction.
The next stage is the uncovering of the implants and the installation of healing screws. After about 2 weeks of healing, an impression is taken for the prosthesis or bridge on implants. The dentist plans the next visits in consultation with the dental technician and makes fittings in the patient’s mouth for perfect match. The color of the restoration is also selected so that the prosthesis or bridge looks natural.
The prosthesis can be mounted on locators, ball latches or on a specially constructed supporting beam. The dentist selects the best prosthetic solution for the patient.
Due to the material from which the bridges on implants can be made: porcelain (on a metal support) or more aesthetic – zirconium (on a zirconium oxide support), which show better translucency and are very durable as well.
More on the type of crowns and a detailed description of the materials in the services/prosthetics.
The price of a prosthesis on implants, as well as the price of a screwed bridge on implants, depends on the number of implants and the type of material from which the prosthesis or bridge will be made. The price of denture on 4 implants starts from PLN 24,000. PLN, and a bridge on 6 implants PLN 39,000. Due to the patient’s individual health conditions and possible additional treatments (such as bone regeneration, sinus lift, appendectomy) and the selected prosthetic solution, the exact price is determined at the consultation visit.